Postpartum Anxiety: Treatment Options for This Little-Talked-About Condition

When it comes to mental health and pregnancy, many people are aware of the existence of a condition known as postpartum depression (PPD for short). However, this is not the only mental health condition that can occur after a woman has given birth to a child, and the lack of awareness of other postpartum conditions such as postpartum anxiety can lead women to go untreated for these conditions and struggle more with adjusting to being a new mom. If you are suffering from postpartum anxiety, it is important to know that there are treatment options available to you to help you overcome your mental health woes and feel more like yourself. Get to know some of these options so that you can get the help you need to deal with your postpartum anxiety.

Talk Therapy (Mental Health Counseling)

One of the best ways to begin addressing your postpartum anxiety is to schedule an appointment with a mental health counselor or therapist. Talk therapy is a form of guided discussion about your mental health that can help you better understand your behaviors, your feelings, and ultimately, the root causes of your postpartum anxiety.

You will sit down with a mental health counselor on a regular basis and talk about your daily life, your fears, and your feelings, and your therapist will ask you guided questions and help you develop ways of coping with your feelings in healthy ways. These coping mechanisms may be breathing and meditative exercises, journal writing, physical exercise, or some other type of activity that will help you to control and channel your feelings of anxiousness.

Join a New-Mom Support Group

Sometimes, a major part of the postpartum anxiety problem is the feeling of being alone and having nobody to talk to who can relate to what you are going through. New moms often feel very isolated from the rest of the world, and this can lead to increased feelings of anxiety (and depression as well).

This can be remedied, at least in part, by joining and attending meetings of a new-mom support group. These groups will get you out of the house and out in the world, first of all. And, you will be meeting up with and talking to other women going through the same problems, issues, and daily struggles that you are experiencing. Having a peer group to bounce ideas off of and to share both triumphs and struggles with can help you to improve your mental health immensely and can provide you with a great deal of relief.

Psychiatric Care and Medications

If your anxiety is severe or you still have symptoms even after talk therapy and support-group meetings, you may benefit from psychiatric care as well, namely through the use of mental health medication. These medications can quickly and effectively help you get your postpartum anxiety symptoms under control so that you can get back to enjoying being a new mom.

Many women with postpartum anxiety are resistant to taking mental-health medications, but it is important to note that these medications are a temporary solution to your condition and can help you get your brain and body chemistry back in balance to rid you of your anxiety symptoms. These medications can treat and prevent your panic attacks and help calm you so that you can get the sleep and rest you need to care for your new baby.

Now that you know some of the treatment options for your postpartum anxiety, you can be sure that you are getting the care and help you need to feel more like yourself again as soon as possible.  
