Did You Survive A Violent Assault? 3 Signs That You Need Counseling To Heal From The Trauma

After surviving a violent assault, it is common to experience a wide range of emotions. While some people feel relieved that the event is over, others keep reliving it in their mind. You may also feel angry, guilty, or even ashamed that the event happened. Although you may feel like asking for help is a sign of weakness, the truth is that any traumatic event can cause psychological distress the requires adult counseling to help you learn how to cope with your emotions. As you continue the process of healing, watch for these three signs that mean that your trauma may be turning into a more serious mental health condition.

Constantly Replaying the Event in Your Mind

When trauma leads to other mental health conditions such as post traumatic stress disorder, you may find yourself constantly going over the event in your head. During these replays, you may experience many of the emotions that you did during the original event, or your mind may attempt to see what would happen if you did things differently. Either way, reliving the event opens you up to further stress from what you experienced in the past.

Being Hyper Alert

A violent assault can make you feel as though you are no longer safe in the world. You may find yourself reacting strongly to normal noises or interactions with people in your environment. For instance, a door slamming may cause you to jump up or cry out. In some cases, this can cause you to lash out at the people who care about you, or you may begin to stay home. If you find that hypervigilance is affecting your relationships, then adult counseling services can help you begin to feel safe again.

Experiencing Physical Signs of Distress

You can also benefit from adult counseling services Nampa residents use to get past trauma if you have physical symptoms that interfere with your daily activities. People dealing with post traumatic stress often have insomnia, or you may find that you feel excessively tired during the day. You may also experience frequent headaches, muscle pain, or digestive disorders when the stress begins to impact your physical health.

Surviving a violent assault often generates emotional distress that can last long after the event is over. Reaching out for help is a sign of strength, and talking to an adult counseling professional helps you find strategies that make it possible to heal from the trauma.
