Why Seek Couples Counseling?

Romantic relationships can add a lot of joy to your life. Unfortunately, they can also be a source of stress at times. It's important to remember that there's no shame in needing help. Couples counselors help people resolve issues in their relationships. Here are four reasons to seek couples counseling:

1. You're having trouble resolving a disagreement

Disagreements are part of every relationship. Since you and your spouse are different people, you will sometimes want different things. The way you resolve disagreements will determine if your relationship grows stronger or weaker. It's normal to need help from time to time. If you and your partner are having trouble resolving a disagreement, a couples counselor can serve as a mediator. An impartial third party can ensure that everybody in your relationship feels heard and understood.

2. Your relationship has changed

Nobody stays the same forever. The process of growing and changing is integral to the experience of living. As people change, their relationship must change as well. Sometimes this change can be painful or even frightening. You may find yourself feeling uncertain of yourself or your partner's feelings for you. A couples counselor can help you navigate your changing relationship, finding a new equilibrium that can allow both partners to be happy. Relationships require compromise, and couples counseling can help you find compromises that work for you.

3. You or your spouse are feeling resentment

It's natural to make mistakes. You and your spouse will both make many mistakes over the course of your relationship. It's important to forgive one another, but sometimes forgiveness is difficult to come by. Resentment develops when one partner holds onto ill feelings about the other. When resentment isn't addressed, it can erode the foundations of your relationship over time. A couples counselor can help you uncover resentment in your relationship so you can deal with it. Moving past your hurt feelings can guide you toward a stronger relationship.

4. You feel disconnected from your spouse

Every relationship ebbs and flows. You may not always feel a constant sense of overwhelming love for your spouse. However, most people want to experience a sense of connection with their spouse at all times. When life gets busy, it's easy to forget to prioritize your relationship, but neglecting your relationship for too long can damage it. If you're feeling alone and disconnected from your spouse, a couples therapist can help you develop a strategy to rekindle your love.

For more information on couples counseling, reach out to a local therapist.
