How Does Motivational Interviewing Work As A Substance Abuse Treatment?

If you are looking for counseling for a substance abuse problem, then motivational interviewing is an option to consider. How does this therapy work and how will it help you get back on track?

What Is Motivational Interviewing?

Motivational interviewing is a type of talk therapy. When your treatment starts, your therapist will talk to you generally to get to know you and to establish a relationship. You will then start to discuss your problem in more specific terms. Your therapist will gently question you to find out more about your substance abuse and the way you think about it.

For example, you'll tell your therapist about the problems you have overcoming your substance abuse problems. You'll look at the habits and patterns of thought and behavior that prevent you from managing your addiction. You'll look for areas you could change to overcome your problems.

You will then work towards change. Your therapist will help you find ways to motivate yourself to break the substance abuse cycle. You'll also get help planning how to make these changes in achievable and practical ways.

What Are The Benefits Of Motivational Interviewing Therapy?

If you get trapped in a substance abuse cycle, then you might have times when you can control your addiction and times when you can't. Often, the problem lies in your internal motivation.

So, for example, say you take drugs. You know that this is a bad thing to do. You know all the reasons why you should quit. However, part of you still holds on to some positives.

For example, you might like the high you get from taking drugs. Or, you might like the way they make you forget about other problems in your life. You are personally invested in the process on an unconscious level even though you know it makes no sense.

If you have these feelings of ambivalence, then you'll find it hard to kick your habit once and for all. You'll be drawn back into taking drugs rather than staying clean.

Motivational interviewing helps you understand these mixed feelings. It helps you understand the inner feelings that tell you that you don't want to quit.

Once you understand these feelings and accept responsibility for them, then you can work with your therapist to overcome them and move on to a healthier way of living. The point here is that you ultimately motivate yourself. Once you do this, you're far more able to overcome your problems.

To find out more about the benefits of motivational interviewing, contact substance abuse therapy services. 
