How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Help Emotional Eaters Lose Weight

If you are an emotional eater, you have likely tried numerous diets to lose excess weight without success. This happens because standard weight loss programs deal mainly with proper nutrition and exercise without dealing with the underlying emotions that cause you to eat. Seeing a counselor who uses cognitive behavioral therapy may be helpful because it can help you determine why you eat out of control and offer practical solutions to get control of your emotional eating.

Understanding cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy allows you to take an active part in your recovery by analyzing the thinking patterns that keep you trapped in negative behavior patterns, such as running to food when you are anxious. You will learn to replace those negative habits with positive ones. You will work with your counselor to develop strategies to help you reach your weight loss goals.

Uncovering barriers

The first step your counselor will take is to help you uncover the hidden barriers that are keeping you trapped in the cycle of emotional eating. Once you identify these barriers you be able to take the steps necessary to change them. You will play a vital role in unlocking the barriers that keep you stuck.

Setting realistic goals

It is a common mistake to become overzealous about weight loss and set goals that are unattainable. Your counselor will work with you to set small and long-term goals that are reasonable and more likely to be met. Meeting smaller goals allows your confidence to grow and can help you stay motivated to keep going.

Reframe your thinking patterns

Cognitive behavioral therapy will help you learn to replace old thinking patterns that have kept you stuck in the cycle of emotional eating. For instance, it can be helpful to find an activity other than eating to turn to when you feel stressed or anxious, such as reading a book or listening to music.

Try new approaches to see what works

You will learn a variety of techniques to help you overcome emotional eating. Some may be more effective than others. You will work with your counselor to learn new techniques and try them to see which ones are a good fit for you.

There is a good reason emotional eaters are not usually successful with typical weight loss programs. While eating healthy and exercising is important for weight loss, for emotional eaters it is like putting a small bandage on a gaping wound. Seeking counseling and trying cognitive behavioral therapy is a good option that can help you break the cycle of emotional eating. 
